Saving Water, Boosting Performance

Sustainable Restroom Solutions:
Saving Water, Boosting Performance

Green considerations have affected all areas of facilities, but no area has been affected more than restroom plumbing. Managers in institutional and commercial facilities involved in product specification, preventive maintenance and renovation projects now must consider more carefully than ever the environmental friendliness and performance promises of a range of plumbing products and systems before making their specification decisions.

Featuring Winston Huff of Smith Seckman Reid Consulting and moderated by Chris Matt, Associate Editor of Maintenance Solutions magazine, this free, 75-minute Webcast will walk you through the essential green issues affecting plumbing products, including the growing use of waterless urinals, high-efficiency water closets, low-flow shower heads, high-efficiency lavatory faucets, and touchless fixtures.

The FREE Webcast will help you specify these products more successfully by addressing misconceptions surrounding their sustainability and performance. Attendees also will get essential information on plumbing fixture operation, installation, and maintenance, as well as related issues, including water conservation, hygiene and user acceptance.




Presenter John Koeller
Moderator Dan Hounsell
 Maintenance Solutions
 2100 W. Florist Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53209