How Green Data Centers Cut Costs and Raise Reliability

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that implementing new technologies and procedures can significantly reduce your data center's energy use. In other words: A green data center can save money and the environment. The FREE Webcast "How Green Data Centers Cut Costs and Raise Reliability" will show you how it's possible. You'll learn the latest technologies and approaches needed to create a greener, energy-efficient, cost-effective data center without compromising reliability or performance objectives, including:

* The emerging Energy Star standard for data centers
* Current benchmarks, including power usage effectiveness (PUE) and data center infrastructure efficiency (DCIE)
* Planning for technology upgrades
* The impact of LEED on greening data center operations

Trade Press Media Group is authorized by IACET to offer 0.1 CEUs for this program.

Register today. Attendance is free, but space is limited.


Moderator Brandon Lorenz
 Building Operating Management
 2100 W. Florist Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53209
speaker biographies Russelectric Siemens