Energy-Efficient Lighting Technologies

A FREE Webcast
Thursday, November 13, 2008
1:00 p.m. (ET)

Lighting systems are among the most frequently targeted in a facility’s ‘go-green’ initiative. Recent technological advances contribute to reduced energy use and improved lighting quality, providing significant and immediate improvements to a building’s operating costs and indoor environmental quality.

However, these technologies also offer a challenge to facility managers: How to best select from the variety of choices that crop up continually? In this 75-minute Webcast, hosted by Building Operating Management editor Brandon Lorenz and presented by energy consultant Lindsay Audin, attendees will learn about the applications and benefits of new (and up-and-coming) devices that provide energy savings in different types of facilities.

You will also learn about:

  • Which new lighting technologies are being pushed for application in commercial, industrial, and institutional spaces, and criteria to use when choosing them
  • The reality behind some claims of cost-effectiveness and efficiency, e.g, T5, LED, lighting controls, daylighting
  • Cutting edge technologies that should be considered for new buildings and major renovations, e.g., LED retrofit kits for garage lighting, super long-life fluorescent lamps
  • Integrating LEED and maintenance requirements into a lighting upgrade.

Register now and find out!

Don’t get lost in the green shuffle – know exactly what you want and need before making energy-efficient lighting decisions!



Lindsay Audin

Presented by Lindsay
Audin, President,

About the Presenters
Lindsay Audin is president of EnergyWiz, an energy consulting firm based in Croton, N.Y. He is a contributing editor to Building Operating Management and has 30-plus years of energy industry experience as a consultant, customer, and energy supplier...

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Moderated by Brandon Lorenz,
Senior Editor,
Building Operating
Management magazine