Presented by David Fisher,
President, PolarSoft Inc.
Moderated by Ed Sullivan,
Editor-in-Chief, Building Operating Management

BACnet Best Practices:

Realizing the Benefits of Interoperability
A Free Webcast!
Thursday, November 15, 1:00 p.m. (EST)

Attend this no-cost Webcast to learn how BACnet-based interoperability can create opportunities to increase energy efficiency, and reduce operations and maintenance costs for your organization.

You’ll walk away with a greater understanding of BACnet and the best practices to help you effectively implement it.

This complimentary, 75-minute Webcast will discuss:
* BACnet basics
* Planning for a BACnet-based system
* The role of commissioning
* Benefits of BACnet testing laboratories listings

Register right now. It’s free and space is limited!




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