
Vision Awards Marketing Opportunities

Extend the reach of your brand with a Vision Awards branding option. Flex your facilities product and services greatness with one of our several options.

Platinum - $9,350

  • 1/2 page company profile in Building Operating Management's December issue

  • Take 5 Podcast

    We will record an interview with your product expert on 5 pre-approved questions of how your company/product benefits facilities

    We develop the email, eNewsletter and ad creative for promotion

    Your podcast is promoted:
    Emailed to 20,000

    Promoted on 2 eNewsletters to 125,000 each

    Hosted on FacilitiesNet

    Embedded into a FacilitiesNet audio ad and run for 50,000 impressions

  • Logo recognition on Vision Award promotional pieces

Gold - $5,000

  • Sponsor logo in Building Operating Management's December Vision Awards Section

  • Take 5 Podcast

    We will record an interview with your product expert on 5 pre-approved questions of how your company/product benefits facilities

    We develop the email, eNewsletter and ad creative for promotion

    Your podcast is promoted:
    Emailed to 10,000 recipients

    Promoted on 2 eNewsletters to 125,000 each

    Embedded into a FacilitiesNet audio ad and run for 25,000 impressions

    Hosted on FacilitiesNet

  • Logo recognition on Vision Award promotional pieces


New Product Innovations eBook opportunity, a great way to gain massive visibility.

eBooks »

Product Innovations eBook »


Make sure your winning product stands out by having us send a congratulation eBlast to 22,500 facility professionals with your custom messaging and a congratulatory 2020 Vision Awards winner header. $2,499

Democast - $3,400

Live 15-minute product demonstration to an audience of facility professionals interested in your product. DemoCasts are hosted every 1st Wednesday of the month. First one to launch Wednesday, October 7th from 12-2 p.m. eastern time.

  • 12:00 p.m.
  • 12:30 p.m.
  • 1:00 p.m.
  • 1:30 p.m.

Details of event

Live 15-minute product demonstration to an audience of facility professionals interested in your product

  • Presentation time of 20 minutes total split between your demonstration and audience Q&A
  • Registrant list of qualified leads from registrants to the democast (up to 100 leads)
  • Video archived on our FacilitiesNet site for 6 months
  • Copy of the recorded video provided to you for your use

Learn more »

Contact Us to Learn More About Marketing Opportunities:

Laurie Vega
Facilities Group Publisher
Phone: 414.228.7701 ext. 482

Brian Terry
Facilities Print & Digital Publisher
Phone: 414.228.7701 ext. 529