Businesses spend billions of dollars each year on water-related losses that include slip-and-fall accidents, lost productivity, equipment and structural damage and ruined inventory.
The second highest business insurance claim is around water damage and the average claim cost is $17,000.
Additionally, the average claim cost for slips and falls is $20,000.
Water problems are expensive. In addition to direct costs associated with these incidents, injuries can be life-altering for employees, especially those more than 55 years old.
Identifying and eliminating floor safety hazards can eliminate worker injuries. Since it was founded more than 35 years ago, New Pig has helped businesses all over the world create world-class floor safety to keep workers and customers safe.
New Pig developed a new line of high-performance products specifically designed to catch, contain and absorb water fast. Our specially engineered water products allow users to respond quickly to minimize damage, insurance claims and costs.
As the leading resource for water leaks and spills, New Pig's innovation efforts are now focusing on managing water problems that occur in all facilities.
New Pig's wring and reuse Pig Water Absorbent Mats are specifically designed and engineered to absorb water on contact and helps you comply with 29 CFR 1910.22 (a)(2) for maintaining floors in a clean, dry condition.
Safe floors help prevent costly employee and customer slip and falls.
From the new fast absorbing, wringable Pig Water Absorbent Mats to the Absorb-&-Lock Water Absorbent Pads and Strips, New Pig's innovative water products are targeted at saving customers time and money when those unexpected water events happen. And at some point, they WILL happen.