
Maintenance Management Software

  March 12, 2008

I’m Dan Hounsell, editor of Maintenance Solutions magazine. Today’s topic is, maintenance management software:
The word maintenance too often carries negative connotations. In an effort to recast maintenance as a positive activity, it is important for managers to begin recasting their departments as profit centers, instead of a cost centers. A cost-centered approach is concerned strictly with adhering to the budget and decreasing expenses as much as possible. In contrast, under a profit-centered model, an organization can allocate investment and operating costs to improve efficiency.
Not surprisingly, informal surveys conducted at numerous seminars on CMMS reveal most companies — more than 90 percent — operate their maintenance departments as cost centers.
A CMMS can help managers assure the high quality of both the equipment condition and its performance. So a CMMS is not just a means of controlling maintenance. It is a primary tool for improving maintenance productivity. Key CMMS functions include: generating, planning, and reporting work orders; developing a traceable equipment history; and recording parts transactions.
Managers can deliver a number of benefits through the efficient use of a CMMS. Some benefits include increased labor productivity, increased equipment availability and performance, and longer equipment life.
Of these benefits, one of the most significant is increased labor productivity. If a CMMS provides technicians with a planned job, the procedures, and needed parts and tools, they should be able to work without delays or interruptions. They also should be able work more safely, since job plans would describe all of the required safety procedures.
Among the additional, tangible benefits of a CMMS include: reduced overtime; less reliance on contractors; reduced maintenance backlog; reduced cost per repair; improved morale; better service; less paperwork; and reduced follow-up required by supervisors.

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