
Bi-Partisan Bill To Help Standardize Internet of Things

  March 8, 2016

By Greg Zimmerman

One of the challenges for facility managers as they’ve implemented technology in their buildings is to determine just how smart their “smart building” is. Unlike for sustainability, there’s no certification or standard for smart building or for technology deployment holistically in a building.

Similarly, in the burgeoning field of the Building Internet of Things, facility managers are largely on their own for not only defining what the Internet of Things comprises, but also how to implement it effectively.

As one step in the right direction, a group of four U.S. Senators, two Democrats and two Republicans, recently introduced legislation they're calling the Developing Innovation and Growing the Internet of Things Act (DIGIT Act, for short) to begin studying, codifying, and standardizing the “future impact of new technology known as Internet of Things.”

The implications of the legislation could be wide-ranging, speeding adoption of Internet of Things not only in commercial buildings but for consumers as well.

This Quick Read was submitted by Greg Zimmerman, Executive Editor of Building Operating Management magazine, greg.zimmerman@tradepress.com.

Read more from him about how about finding how facility managers may be further along than they think on the Internet of Things.


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