
Managers Must Choose Whether To Optimize, Upgrade or Replace CMMS

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: CMMS Needs Analysis Can Help Determine a Course of ActionPt. 2: This PagePt. 3: Strategies for Making the Case To Invest in a CMMS Change

Once managers become aware of these signs of CMMS trouble, the next question is whether to optimize, upgrade or replace the software. Optimizing means using the unused features of the existing system, upgrading means advancing the existing system to its most current version, and replacing means buying a new, different CMMS.

The first and most important step in this process is conducting an audit of the current CMMS. Periodic audits are necessity if managers are to succeed in this era of evolving operations and the continuous challenge to hold down costs.

The CMMS audit consists of two major steps. The first step is establishing a performance baseline, and the second is comparing subsequent audits to that baseline to measure improvement. The audit essentially shows the strengths and weaknesses of the CMMS. The department can capitalize on the software's strengths, and managers can analyze the weaknesses to determine areas for improvement. To ensure long-range improvements, managers should schedule audits at least annually.

The audit will produce an extensive list of features the current CMMS offers and features that are available but not used. Deeper analysis will reveal features the CMMS does not offer, as well as features the vendor offers in an upgraded version.

Departments often find themselves without needed features because, during the budget-cutting process, someone decided not to renew the maintenance on the CMMS. What seemed like a budget-conscious idea at the time can leave a department with an out-of-date application. The summary of this analysis will help managers decide whether the right course of action is to optimize, upgrade or replace the CMMS.

Continue Reading:

CMMS Needs Analysis Can Help Determine a Course of Action

Managers Must Choose Whether To Optimize, Upgrade or Replace CMMS

Strategies for Making the Case To Invest in a CMMS Change

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  posted on 11/18/2011   Article Use Policy

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