
Designate Commissioning Agent to Handle CMMS Tasks

Designate Commissioning Agent to Handle CMMS Tasks

Part three of a three-part article on maintenance data and CMMS

By Aaron Groseclose, P.E.  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: CMMS: Paving a Construction PathPt. 2: CMMS: 5 Questions on Integrating Data Into SystemPt. 3: This Page

Almost anyone who is on the project team can act as the leader of the process of collecting and entering equipment and system data into the CMMS, but not every team member is in a position to perform the tasks as efficiently as others are.

Many projects now use the commissioning process to serve as the champion of this process, and as a result, the commissioning agent serves as the leader because he or she is present in all of the design and construction processes and overlaps with many of the steps mentioned earlier.

The commissioning agent is present in all phases of the design and construction project, reviews all project submittals and O&M manuals for accuracy and completeness, collects equipment and system data for commissioning documentation, is familiar with the O&M procedures of equipment and systems, and is in close communication with the facilities personnel throughout the project.

Due to the nature of the commissioning agent’s roles and responsibilities within the project, his or her ability to help with CMMS integration should be cost-effective. If managers decide to use someone other than the agent to lead this process, they should be prepared to commit more time and money to the process.

The next most appropriate person to lead the CMMS integration process would be someone in-house. But this person’s time is likely to be limited and primarily focused with working through the normal issues of construction, such as budget, schedules, and occupants.

Scoping a commissioning agent to handle the CMMS integration is the most appropriate choice. It also provides the best chance of achieving the essential goal of successfully integrating the equipment and system data to the department’s CMMS.

Aaron Groseclose, P.E., LEED-AP, QCxP — aaron.groseclose@rmf.com — is a commissioning engineer an engineer in the Atlanta office of RMF Engineering with nearly 10 years of experience in the design, analysis and commissioning of HVAC, steam, chilled water, plumbing, lighting, and electrical systems. His responsibilities involve design review, functional performance test development, system functional testing, troubleshooting of system issues, leading of commissioning meetings, and facilitating project team communication.

Continue Reading: CMMS

CMMS: Paving a Construction Path

CMMS: 5 Questions on Integrating Data Into System

Designate Commissioning Agent to Handle CMMS Tasks

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  posted on 1/20/2016   Article Use Policy

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