
CMMS: Why Should Managers Upgrade Their System?

By Kris Bagadia  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: This PagePt. 2: CMMS: Needs Analysis, Cost Justification Fuel UpgradesPt. 3: CMMS Upgrades: Managers, Upper Management Need to Speak Same Language

Institutional and commercial facilities have used computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) for the last 25 years, and many companies have been using the same system for 10, 15, or even 20 years. During that time, CMMS technology and performance have evolved to meet customer needs.

These changes, combined with the passage of time, means the time has come for many maintenance and engineering managers to upgrade their departments' CMMS. Upgrades generally occur for one of three reasons:

  • The current CMMS is simply too old and obsolete in form and function.
  • The facilities have changed, so the company's needs have changed to the point where the current system cannot meet them.
  • The CMMS was specified improperly, and the company fell prey to the 80 percent failure rate of CMMS implementations.

Upgrading might mean buying a new system from a new vendor, or it might mean upgrading from a current vendor. Whichever the case, managers have an important process to follow. To succeed, they need to invest the proper amount of time and resources in four key areas.

Continue Reading: Four Steps to CMMS Success

CMMS: Why Should Managers Upgrade Their System?

CMMS: Needs Analysis, Cost Justification Fuel Upgrades

CMMS Upgrades: Managers, Upper Management Need to Speak Same Language

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  posted on 7/19/2010   Article Use Policy

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