
CMMS: Data Can Uncover Energy Deficiencies

By Kris Bagadia  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: CMMS: Use Software to Manage Energy UsePt. 2: CMMS Upgrades: What Modules Do You Need?Pt. 3: This PagePt. 4: CMMS: How to Implement Condition-Based Monitoring

Analyzing CMMS data can help managers indicate energy use and break it down by facility. When managers review this data, they might determine energy use is greater in one building compared to others. Old age might account for the energy-use differential, or the data might show the building has problems, such as leaks or poor insulation. Whatever the circumstance, the CMMS data will help identify these critical issues. Once technicians address the issues, the organization can expect to start saving money and minimizing its environmental impact.

Proper CMMS data also can help managers determine whether it is more cost-effective to replace an older, inefficient asset with a newer, more energy-efficient alternative. The CMMS data also might help managers determine that an asset from one manufacturer is using more energy than the same type of asset from another manufacturer. The manager then might decide to replace the inefficient assets, which will result in lower energy use, greater savings, and enhanced sustainability.

The CMMS also can improve a facility's energy efficiency by interfacing with building monitoring systems, data-acquisition applications, and other specialized pieces of monitoring equipment that log and detail energy use. The result is a corrective-action system that receives continual reviews and updates.

Continue Reading: CMMS: Tracking Sustainability

CMMS: Use Software to Manage Energy Use

CMMS Upgrades: What Modules Do You Need?

CMMS: Data Can Uncover Energy Deficiencies

CMMS: How to Implement Condition-Based Monitoring

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  posted on 4/1/2011   Article Use Policy

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