
CMMS: BIoT and System Integration

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: CMMS Specification: Understanding New TechnologyPt. 2: CMMS Specification: Determing Department Software NeedsPt. 3: CMMS Specification: Evaluating Vendors' Capability to Meet Facility NeedsPt. 4: CMMS, Building IoT and the Age of DataPt. 5: This Page

By Jeff Thompson

The Building Internet of Things (BIoT) is greatly affecting the way managers specify and use maintenance management software because the software they choose must be capable of integration with BIoT. However, because standards are still emerging, the focus needs to be on flexible and configurable solutions rather than rigid, brittle ones.

The rapid, ongoing evolution of BIoT also demands a new level of attention from a cybersecurity and business process standpoint. Just because a device can connect to the internet or your infrastructure doesn't mean it should be connected.

The flood of available data presents great opportunities, but it can also create a lot of noise. Whether or not the data managers want is available is no longer the most important question. The key is sorting out the data they need to make decisions from the vast sea of available data. As for emerging trends in BIoT, location-based services that leverage the power of the mobile devices we already carry, combined with digital interior mapping, are just now becoming ready for prime time. We are used to getting directions and other critical information, such as "coffee near me," when we're out in world.

That same level of assistance in an immersive information environment is rapidly taking shape and will change the way we occupy, maintain and manage the built environment. Combining BIoT capability with this emerging trend will provide massive efficiencies and cost savings if it's done properly.

Jeff Thompson is cofounder and CEO of AwareManager.

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  posted on 12/1/2017   Article Use Policy

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