
CMMS: Paving a Construction Path

CMMS: Paving a Construction Path

Part one of a three-part article on maintenance data and CMMS

By Aaron Groseclose, P.E.  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: This PagePt. 2: CMMS: 5 Questions on Integrating Data Into SystemPt. 3: Designate Commissioning Agent to Handle CMMS Tasks

These days, much of the design and construction process for new institutional and commercial facilities is digitized. Projects typically feature building information management (BIM) software or another three-dimensional modeling software. Ideally, the software stores valuable facility data that then migrates to the in-house maintenance and engineering departments after occupancy.

But too often, this essential data becomes an afterthought and is lost. Managers then must go through the process of recreating it once they assume responsibility for the new facility.

How can managers ensure all of the data created during the new facility’s design and construction phases actually transitions into useful and usable information in the occupancy phase? The answer is through the use of a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) and effective commissioning.

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  posted on 1/20/2016   Article Use Policy

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