
Wireless CMMS: Managers Must Convince Technicians

By Kris Bagadia  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: The Benefits and Challenges of Wireless CMMSPt. 2: This PagePt. 3: Wireless CMMS: Consider Total Cost of OwnershipPt. 4: Mobile CMMS: Questions About Data EntryPt. 5: CMMS: Wireless Connectivity an Issue

Technicians often fear new technology will make their jobs unnecessary. But this is not the only source of resistance managers will find among technicians regarding mobile technology. Many workers have been performing their jobs a certain way for many years, and it is difficult to break that routine.

As a result, many technicians simply refuse to use new technology. They let it sit on the shelf and return to their old ways. Ultimately, it makes no difference the amount of money a department spends on mobile technology or software. Its success hinges upon technicians accepting change and buying into the ways the technology can improve departmental efficiency.

The solution to this problem actually occurs long before a manager buys or even considers any software or hardware. Managers must involve maintenance and engineering technicians from the beginning. This strategy allows managers to show the technology is a tool to make their jobs easier, not an attempt to replace them.

If technicians can have input, understand the long-term goals, and see the ways technology can make their jobs easier, they are much more likely to invest in its success, confident their jobs are secure.

Once technicians are on board, they are much more likely to participate in developing a solution that will succeed and provide valuable insights into making this new tool as usable and efficient as possible.

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  posted on 3/3/2010   Article Use Policy

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