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National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions (NCQLP) - Resource for Facility Managers

National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions (NCQLP)

4401 East West Highway
Suite 305
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Telephone: 301/654-2121
Fax: 301/654-4273

The National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions (NCQLP) is an independent, non-profit corporation established by the lighting industry to develop and implement a voluntary certification program. The first Lighting Certified (LC) examination was held in November, 1997; currently more than 250 individuals hold the LC credential.

NCQLP's mission is to certify lighting professionals, thereby promoting the general well-being of the public through effective and efficient lighting practice. The professional crediential process for lighting professionals will promote the implementation of cost-effective, energy effective and high performance lighting systems and equipment.

Certification is a voluntary, industry-led effort for individuals within a defined industry to demonstrate knowledge and competent practice within designated topic areas. These specific standards, set through an intensive peer development and review process, are measured by a standardized examination that tests critical knowledge and the application of principles and technology to industry-specific practices.

98 LC Examination Scheduled

The LC examination for individuals in lighting and related fileds will be held on Saturday, November 7, from 1-5 pm at twenty-one locations in the U.S. and Canada. The final registration date for the 1998 examination is September 18 and the fee is $475.

Examination Preparation

NCQLP has compiled a Body of Knowledge, in the form of a reference list, that represents source materials for all test questions. The references include basic texts in lighting and related fileds. Most references are readily available but a few may be ordered directly through NCQLP.

The 98 LC Candidate Handbook is the basic publication for the 98 LC examination. It includes:

  • The LC registration form
  • Information on test sites and procedures
  • The LC Content Outline & Reference Lists
  • A sample test and simulation problem
  • Information on multiple-choice and simulation problems: how they are written and tips on how to prepare for them on the exam
  • Study Tips

A generic simulation problem and special pen will be forwarded under separate cover to all candidates.

To obtain an LC Handbook or be added to the mailing list, fax your request to 301/654-4273, e-mail to or visit

98 Self-Study & Prep Guide

The Examination Committee has developed a 98 LC Self-Study & Prep Guide to provide candidates with additional tools to prepare for the exam. It is available from NCQLP and the cost is $75. Order forms are included in the 98 LC Candidate Handbook or may be requested from NCQLP.

The Self-Study & Prep Guide will be available on disk and will include two audio conferences and access to the 98 LC Hotline on NCQLP's home page. It will include in addition to the preparatory study information in the 98 Candidate Handbook:

  • A Diagnostic Test to assist candidates in determining areas for additional study
  • Study tips
  • A sample multiple choice test

LC Prep and Review Courses

NCQLP does not provide a prep or review course for LC candidates but has information on organizations that will be presenting special courses related to the LC examination.

Prep or review courses scheduled for 1998 include:

  • IESNA — call Riat Harrold at 212/248-5000
  • The Lighting Design Lab — Seattle, 800/354-3864 or 206/325-9695