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National Association Of Residential Property Managers (NARPM) - Resource for Facility Managers


Address: http://www.narpm.org

RPM, Residential Property Manager
The RPM designation is awarded to licensed real estate agents who complete the required NARPM coursework, who have hands-on experience in the management of residential property and who have provided service to the national association.

The following courses are required to achieve the RPM designation: 

  • Maintenance Course
  • Marketing Course
  • Operations Course

MPM, Master Property Manager
The MPM designation is awarded to members who have the achieved the RPM designation and have completed additional requirements for education and experience. MPM candidates are required to make a substantial contribution of time, talent and professional expertise to further advance the residential property management industry. The candidate must demonstrate proficiency in the management of residential property.

The following courses are required to achieve the MPM designation:

  • Personnel Practices & Employee Relations
  • Operating a Maintenance Company

For more information on the RPM and MPM designations, contact the NARPM National office at 1-800-782-3452.

RPM Course: Maintenance

  • Maintenance/Construction Terminology
  • Principles of Maintenance/Construction
  • New Account Maintenance
  • Compensation: Fee or Free?
  • Maintenance Personnel/Service Company
  • Do's and Don'ts of Maintenance
  • Typical Maintenance Problems/Solutions
  • Safety Do's and Don'ts
  • Saving Money for the Owners/Making Money for the Manager
  • Economics of Renovation
  • Conclusion with Class Review

RPM Course: Marketing
Marketing your Management Business:

  • Developing your marketing plan
  • Building your image
  • Targeting your marketing efforts
  • Prospecting for new contacts
  • Owner presentations
  • Phone techniques
  • Closing and follow-up ideas
  • Marketing through good will
  • Related business opportunities
  • Sources of new business
  • Prospecting techniques

Marketing Your Rental Properties:

  • Finding tenants
  • Prospecting techniques
  • Marketing to existing tenants
  • Effectively handling inquiries
  • Showing properties
  • Handling objections

RPM Course: Operations

  • Who We Are and What Jobs Are We Asked To Do
  • Potential Services Provided by a Property Management Company
  • Organizational Structure of the Firm
  • Policy Creation & Procedure Education
  • Screening Your Clients
  • Resident Policies and Screening Evaluation
  • The Rental Agreement
  • Preparation of the Rental Unit
  • Technology & Administrative Controls
  • Conceptual Management Goals
  • Accounting and Monetary Practices
  • Insurance
  • Employee Relations
  • Management Repair of the Rental Unit
  • Liability That All Managers Face

MPM Course: Personnel Practices & Employee Relations

  • Planning and Organizing
  • Basic Employment Policies
  • Employee Handbook
  • Policy Procedure Manuals
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Hiring and Selection Practices
  • Training Programs
  • Maintaining a Positive Environment
  • Delegation Techniques
  • Legal Issues

MPM Course: Operating a Maintenance Company

  • Starting the Company
  • Policy and Procedure Manuals
  • Accounting and Recordkeeping
  • Personnel
  • Business Operations
  • Inventory - to keep or not to keep
  • Operating the Business
  • Reporting Requirements
  • Evaluating and Controlling the Business
  • Business Controls
  • Case Study: Analysis of operations in a faltering business