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Clemson University Maintenance Seminars - Resource for Facility Managers


Office of Off-Campus, Distance, and Continuing Education
To register, call Kay James 864/656-2200
Web site: http://odce.clemson.edu/Maintenance.html

Maintenance Management: How to Lower Cost and Improve Productivity
This intensive two-day training program is designed for maintenance leaders at all levels in the organization. It provides best practices information enabling attendees to establish, build, and sustain an effective maintenance operation at lower cost and increased productivity. Best practices topics include:

  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Organizational Structure and Staffing
  • Reporting Information and Data Utilization
  • Supervision of Maintenance Activities
  • Asset Management
  • Computerized Maintenance Management System
  • Work Flow/Processes and Adherence
  • Planning/Scheduling and Coordination of Maintenance Activities
  • And much more.

Maintenance Planning/Scheduling
This course is designed to raise the competence level of participating Maintenance Planners/Schedulers, Supervisors, and Engineers in the areas of maintenance planning and scheduling, material procurement, estimating and work measurement, small project management, and communicative skills.

The class involves group discussions, role-playing, hands-on exercises, and question and answer sessions. Topics range from the philosophical, such as discussions on how to convince non-maintenance "customers" to cooperate with a Maintenance Management Program, to the practical, such as how to effectively utilize the maintenance craftsman. There will be a heavy emphasis on work order control, planning techniques, and scheduling—daily, weekly, and small project.

Developing Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices: A Profit and Customer-Centered Approach for Maintenance Leaders
A Fully Integrated Professional Development Series: The overall series is comprised of four interrelated but distinct three-day workshops as shown in the day-by-day topics for each session. Each three-day session is deliberately scheduled approximately three months apart to enable participants to put into practice the knowledge provided in the preceding workshop. The primary training return on investment is the attendees' ability to define, plan, and implement improvements using the tools and knowledge gained from each session. Additional key workshop deliverables you will receive to support applying lessons learned include:

  1. The Scoreboard for Maintenance Excellence: Today's most comprehensive tool for benchmarking your current operation against today's best practices covered during this extensive workshop.
  2. The CMMS Benchmarking System: Provides support for gaining maximum value from an existing CMMS. It defines improvement needs and possible functionality gaps.
  3. The Maintenance Excellence Index: A powerful, performance measurement process to validate this training investment, your monthly results at the shop level and your return on investment from long term Continuous Reliability Improvement.
  4. The ACE Team Benchmarking Process: Hands-on applications training and practical exercises between sessions for using a new methodology for establishing reliable planning times with safe, high-quality craft repair method improvements. As a result you will be able to:
    • Apply lessons learned to improve your unique maintenance operation
    • Measure results with your unique Maintenance Excellence Index developed in Week One