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Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) - Resource for Facility Managers


For more information about AESP courses, contact:
Elliot Boardman, Executive Director
Association of Energy Services Professionals
7040 W. Palmetto Park Rd., Suite 2315
Boca Raton, FL 33433
phone (407) 361-0023, fax (407) 361-0027

AESP Training Courses

Course #1: Competitive Procurement of DSM Savings and Services in a Changing Power Industry

This two day course will address the full spectrum of DSM procurement and delivery approaches, emphasizing the implications of current and anticipated changes in regulation and the structure of the utility industry. DSM will continue to play an important role in resource planning. However, competitive pressures and changes in regulation and industry structure will change the focus, and place more emphasis on retaining customers, improving load factor, and strengthening market position.

This course will be essential to those considering new approaches to DSM as well as those already involved in such approaches, such as utilities, ESCo's, regulators, consultants and public interest groups. Covering a wide variety of subjects, such as bidding, ensuring savings are delivered, current experience, key decisions in designing DSM procurement and delivery programs, what methods will be effective in various scenarios projected for the industry, and more; this course will be highly interactive, and will include detailed case studies and a simulated negotiation in which the class actually designs a DSM procurement and delivery process for a mock utility.

Course #2: Market Segmentation for Utility Applications

This course, produced jointly by the Association of Energy Services Professionals and the Electric Power Research Institute, will provide utility managers, marketers and program designers with the tools to develop effective, efficient, targeted marketing strategies. Covering market segmentation and its applications for program design and marketing strategy development, the course will include classroom exercises and procedures used for conducting, interpreting and using market segmentation studies. Residential, commercial and industrial segmentation methods will be addressed.

The participants will learn the advantages and disadvantages, costs and benefits, and value of information of various types of market segmentation. The objective is to promote thinking about the best ways of segmenting markets to help meet the specific needs of each participant. Types of market segmentation addressed includes vertical (SIC/firmographic), needs- based, solution-based, and hybrid/eclectic approaches. Group exercises will be used extensively to demonstrate the use of the various segmentation tools and techniques.

Course #3: On Tech: Fundamentals of DSM Technologies

The rapid pace of technological change in energy efficient technologies means everyone involved in any aspect of DSM needs up-to-date information to keep abreast of how these technologies can be applied to residential, commercial and industrial programs. This course, through interactive exercises, demonstrations and lectures, will provide an understanding of how efficient technologies work, as well as the underlying theory. Operating differences between standard and high efficiency technologies will be demonstrated, as will be the interaction among various energy systems in a facility, such as lighting and HVAC.

This course will provide non-technical personnel with the necessary tools to implement high value DSM programs that improve human comfort, organizational productivity and environmental quality while still achieving load shape objectives.

Course #4: Planning and Implementing DSM Programs in a Competitive Environment

Between strategic planning and program evaluation are three important phases of successful DSM programs. These phases are even more important in today's competitive environment. Only those utilities who are successful in developing loyal customers through programs such as will be described in this course will be the winners. These phases are: Program Design; Program Development; and, Program Implementation and Management.

With the climate changing in the utility business, it is no longer easy to be successful in designing, developing and implementing DSM programs. These programs must achieve their goals without adversely affecting rates, and with maximum efficiency. This course will feature utility speakers with front-line experience in doing just that. They will provide guidance, direction and war stories in the steps needed to bring residential, commercial and industrial DSM programs to market successfully.