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American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) - Resource for Facility Managers

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)

1330 Kemper Meadow Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45240-4148
Phone: 513/742-2020
Fax: 513/742-3355
Web Site Address: www.acgih.org/events/course.htm 
E-mail Address: mail@acgih.org

The ACGIH community of professionals advances worker health and safety through education and the development and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge. ACGIH provides industrial hygiene and occupational hygiene education and training to its members and others in the occupational health and industrial hygiene industry. Courses are offered at the Professional Learning Center located at ACGIH's headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. Registrations are accepted online. If you are interested in attending an event that is not listed or having an ACGIH event presented at your location, submit a request athttp://www.acgih.org/contact-us. Include your name, address, telephone number, and a brief description of the event outline.

Biological Hazards in the Workplace: Defining Endotoxins

One of the key agents leading to respiratory disease in a variety of occupational and environmental settings is Endotoxin, or lipopolysaccharide(LPS) components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Endotoxin has been associated with organic dusts in settings such as agriculture and aerosolized metal machining fluids. This 2½-hour Webinar provides attendees with valuable background information on endotoxins (what they are, their characteristics and health effects), sampling and analytical methods, exposure reduction/controls, and other related topics. The interactive Webinar features a detailed case study related to an industrial setting, and allows for audience participation. Accreditation: pending American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) approval for .5 ABIH (IH) Certification Maintenance (CM) Points; qualifies for .15 BCSP (SP) Continuance of Certification (COC) Points for Certified Safety Professionals (participants seeking CM or COC points must attend the live Webinar or view the archive and submit a final exam and evaluation).

Courses offered at ACGIH's Professional Learning Center, Cincinnati, Ohio:

  • Fundamentals in Industrial Ventilation Course
  • Practical Applications of Useful Equations Course
  • Indoor Environmental Quality Workshop
  • Mold, Moisture & Remediation Workshop

Course descriptions:

Fundamentals in Industrial Ventilation
This three-day course covers both basic and advanced topics related to industrial ventilation, including:

  • The behavior of air and chemical contaminants in the air;
  • Industrial process exhaust systems;
  • Make-up and supply air ventilation systems;
  • Dilution ventilation systems;
  • Selection and design of exhaust hoods, ducts, fans, stacks, and air cleaners; and
  • Troubleshooting and testing of existing systems.

Course participants will receive ACGIH's Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice, 25th Edition;Companion Study Guide to Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice; Jeff Burton's Industrial Ventilation Workbook, and a pre-programmed AutoCalc calculator.

The American Board of Industrial Hygiene has approved this course for 3 Certification Maintenance (CM) Points. The Board of Certified Safety Professionals has approved it for 1.5 Continuance of Certification (COC) Points.

Practical Applications of Useful Equations
This two-day course complements the Fundamentals in Industrial Ventilation course, which is a required prerequisite. The Practical Applications of Useful Equations course closely follows the workbook supplied, and includes:

  • Calculation and estimation approakches related to airborne contaminants;
  • TLV and TWA;
  • OA for dilution, fans, system testing, sound and noise, ergonomics, radiation, ventilation, statistics, chemistry, etc.; and
  • A calculations lab in which participants work in a team environment.

Materials received include Jeff Burton's Useful Equations book and Industrial Hygiene Workbook, a pre-programmed AutoCalc calculator, and course handouts.

The American Board of Industrial Hygiene has approved this course for 2 Certification Maintenance (CM) Points. The Board of Certified Safety Professionals has approved it for 1 Continuance of Certification (COC) Point.

Indoor Environmental Quality Workshop
This 3-day workshop provides practical, hands-on information on the fundamentals of building pollutants, thermal comfort, and building ventilation and their relationship to good indoor environmental quality.

During this workshop, attendees will have the unique opportunity to hear multiple viewpoints on how indoor environmental factors influence comfort, health, and safety.

Upon completion of the workshop, attendees will gain an understanding of:

  • The health effects associated with building environments;
  • How to control building pollutants during normal building operation and construction and renovation activity;
  • Indoor air quality management programs;
  • The basics of building investigations and investigation tools; and
  • The fundamentals of building pollutants.

Each student will receive: hands-on demonstrations of: pressure differentials, interpreting CO2 data, psychrometrics and thermal comfort, HVAC inspection, airflow measurement, and estimating ventilation rate; Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice, 25th Edition; and a presentation workbook.

The American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) has approved the course for 3.0 Certification Maintenance (CM) Points. The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) has approved it for 1.5 Continuance of Certification (COC) Points.

Mold, Moisture & Remediation Workshop
This four-day workshop presents attendees with practical hands-on information and in-depth experience regarding mold and mold remediation methods, as well as a clear plan and strategy for sampling that can be implemented in the workplace. Workshop instructors will discuss strategies and job specifications for mold remediation projects, as well as EPS mold remediation in schools and commercial buildings.

Other select topics include:

  • Environmental Sampling and Sample Analysis and Interpretation;
  • Bioaerosol Sampling: Sampling Principles and Examples of Bioaerosol Samplers;
  • Analysis Techniques: Cultivation and Biochemical and Chemical Methods;
  • Microbial Remediation: Remediation Specifications and Methods, Decontamination, Health and Safety Plan, Respiratory Protection, and Consultant/Contractor Perspective;
  • Moisture in Buildings: How Moisture Gets into Buildings, the Relationship Between Air, Moisture, and Temperature, Bulk Water, and Moisture Assessment Tools and Method;
  • Investigation of the Health Effects of Mold Exposure in the Home and Workplace;
  • Litigation: Current Legislation in the United States and Compliance; and
  • Health Effects: Infectious Disease and Toxicological Response.

Each participant will receive a hands-on demonstration of sampling techniques and analysis, ACGIH's Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control and a CD-ROM of all presentations and case studies.

The American Board of Industrial Hygiene has approved the workshop for 4.0 Industrial Hygiene Certification Maintenance (CM) Points. The Board of Certified Safety Professionals has approved it for 2.0 Continuance of Certification (COC) Points.