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Environmental Protection Agency - Resource for Facility Managers


Announcing 5 RCRA Courses On-Line
Sponsored by North Carolina State University - USA Continuing and Professional Education

1. Federal Regulatory Overview: Open only for those registering for #3-5. This course has been running at no cost since early March for anyone interested. Although it is now closed to new registrants except those registering for #3-5, these freebies will be offered again later this year.

2. Introduction to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act: Open only for those registering for #3-5. This course has been running at no cost since early March for anyone interested. Although it is now closed to new registrants except those registering for #3-5, these freebies will be offered again later this year.

3. Waste Determination and Status: Open for registration and currently running.

4. On-Site Management of Hazardous Waste: Open for registration and currently running.

5. Off-Site Disposal of Hazardous Waste: Open for registration. Course began May 5.

CEUs and certificates of completion are awarded. Completion of all five courses may meet your annual training requirements for Large Quantity Generators. For more information, visit: http://www2.ncsu.edu/cpe/rcrahpg.htm

EPA Green Lights Program: Lighting Upgrade Workshops

EPA conducts a series of free workshops on lighting upgrades. For more information about our free workshops and registration please call the EPA Green Lights hotline at 1-888- STAR-YES or fax your requests to 202-775-6680.

These are 2-½ day workshops featuring:

  • Lighting Upgrade Technologies
  • Lighting Analysis Software
  • Financing and Analysis
  • Green Lights Reporting
  • Lighting Maintenance and Disposal
  • Surveyor Ally Examinations (on third day)

Contact EPA for targeted cites and dates.

EPA Green Lights Program: Energy Investment Seminars

EPA conducts a series of free workshops on energy investment. For more information about our free workshops and registration please call the EPA Green Lights hotline at 1- 888-STAR- YES or fax your requests to 202-775-6680.

This is a 2-½ Hour seminar featuring:

  • Energy Efficiency as an Investment
  • Energy Use (and waste) in Buildings
  • ENERGY STAR Goals and Support
  • Case Studies
  • Guest Speaker
  • Planning for Success

Contact EPA for targeted cites and dates.

EPA Compliance Assistance Workshops

For information on EPCRA #164#313 compliance assistance workshops, please call the RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline at (800-424-9346, 800-535-0202, or 703-412-9810).