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Wireless Lighting Control Is Field Upgradeable to Full IoT Platform

Enlighted One wireless lighting controls solution eliminates information technology (IT) components like network cables and gateways, cloud connections, and mobile apps, allowing jobs to be done faster and without dependencies on IT specialists. Enlighted One ships integrated into lighting fixtures or is installed in the field. Enlighted One programming only takes seconds with an Enlighted wireless wall switch and off-the-shelf laser pointer. The system is out-of-the box building code compliant with features such as daylight harvesting, task tuning, and vacancy detection. The solution yields energy savings up to 65 percent with an LED retrofit.

Enlighted One features the same Generation 5 hardware as the Enlighted IoT Platform. When building occupants are ready to upgrade to IoT capabilities, no modifications to the lighting fixtures are required — the sensor is already installed in the building. With a sensor IoT license and the addition of an IoT network, customers can simply subscribe to building IoT applications.

Recognizing building requirements and occupant needs change over time, Enlighted offers its products in three upgradeable configurations:

  • Enlighted One is an out-of-the-box, room-based wireless lighting control solution. Enlighted One comes complete with four pre-configured lighting profiles with the ability to program lighting behavior from the wall switch.
  • Enlighted Connected adds networked lighting capabilities. Customizable lighting profiles and task tuning, and advanced daylight harvesting features using lighting groups and time-of-day scheduling are included. Enlighted Connected reports detailed lighting energy usage and savings, supports automated demand response, and integrates with building management systems through BACnet.
  • Enlighted IoT includes all the Enlighted Connected features and adds support for IoT software applications, including spacial analytics to analyze building space usage, and real-time location services for asset tracking and more. It connects through advanced APIs to third party ecosystem solutions, including work place experience and conference room management with partners such as Comfy, a workplace app provider, and other partners.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 6/13/2019

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