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Western Waterproofing: Company Changes Its Name


Sept. 3, 2015 — Western Waterproofing Co. and its 30-plus branch offices and member companies nationwide (including Brisk Waterproofing, Peoria Roofing, Western Facades, and Harry S. Peterson Co.) are now known as Western Specialty Contractors.

In addition to the new name, Western has also adopted a new logo (attached) and a new tag line — Confidence Through Performance.

This year, Western Waterproofing celebrated its 100th anniversary. To commemorate the milestone, Western decided to change its name to Western Specialty Contractors to reflect the larger breadth of services that it now provides to a wider variety of industries. In addition to waterproofing, Western also specializes in masonry and concrete restoration and specialty roofing.  

The company's website also has a new name, www.westernspecialtycontractors.com.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 9/7/2015

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