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WaterSense: March into Water Savings
March 10, 2016 — Looking to clean up on utility savings this spring? Save water, energy, and money in your building's restrooms and commercial laundries by following these quick and easy tips:
• Give me a sign: Occupant behavior is key to savings. Post signage in restrooms and laundry rooms to encourage patrons to use less water and report leaks.
• Fight the phantoms: Check and adjust automatic sensors on all toilets and faucets regularly to avoid double or phantom flushes and faucets running longer than necessary.
• Look for the label: WaterSense-labeled bathroom fixtures are an easy way to save water, energy, and reduce operating costs with your next retrofit or renovation. WaterSense-labeled toilets, urinals, faucets, and showerheads save water and are independently certified to perform well.
To learn more about water- and energy-saving best management practices, register for an upcoming webinar; get more information here.
More From 3/14/2016 on FacilitiesNet