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Videx Introduces New CyberKey Smart Key

CORVALLIS, OREGON — Videx, Inc., the leader in the design and manufacturing of electronic access control systems, is proud to announce the release of its new CyberKey smart key. The CyberKey II is a programmable smart key that operates as part of the CyberLock® access control system.

The CyberKey II electronic key serves as an authorizing credential within the CyberLock system. It contains a rechargeable battery that powers the key and energizes the electronic lock cylinder when the two devices make contact. Each key can be pre-set with a date to begin operation as well as an expiration date. It has the flexibility to work at all times for all locks or can be programmed to work at specific times on only specific locks. If a key is lost it can be quickly blocked from accessing any locks, eliminating the time and expense of re-keying a facility.

The CyberKey II features a micro USB port enabling users to recharge the key from a computer, car charger, or any other compatible USB device. The key can also be recharged through the key tip using a CyberKey charging station. The USB port allows users to download the audit trail from the key to the management software. The key information can also be downloaded via a CyberLock communication device. While communicating with the software, via the USB port or communication device, the key is updated with any new system information, such as new locks and/or schedule changes. Detailed audit reporting will increase accountability and can be very valuable when a facility manager needs to know who and when someone has accessed an area when an unusual situation arises.

"The CyberKey II is an important piece of the CyberLock system, and it offers a powerful access control solution to businesses with key control problems and concerns about who has access to their buildings," said James McGowan, VP of Sales and Marketing at Videx. "With CyberLock eCylinders and CyberKey II smart keys, facility managers have the opportunity to implement an affordable system that is easy to install and can quickly provide the physical security and key control required."

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 11/21/2012

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