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Toro: Grandmaster HDX

GrandStand HDX offers a space-saving, flip-up platform with its 31hp Kawasaki or 37hp Vanguard engine. Increased efficiency is at your fingertips with ground speeds up to 12 mph and 52-inch, 60-inch, and 72-inch deck options. Built on the contractor-proven TURBO FORCE 2 cutting deck, operators can adjust the deck baffle on the new GrandStand HDX to get the most pristine cut even in rough conditions. It also features enhanced dual-capture anti-scalp roller supports to ensure the highest quality of cut in the harshest terrain. The Toro GrandStand HDX combines the speed and comfort of a zero-turn rider with the on-and-off ease of a wide area walk-behind — for a fast and maneuverable experience. 

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 1/5/2023

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