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Smart Office Recycling


Second in a Series: Making Recycling Easy and Consistent

Fort Worth, TX – March 21, 2012 - As part of its ongoing effort to encourage facilities to expand their recycling initiatives, CFR, manufacturers of continuous recycling carpet extractors, presents this second installment of office recycling tips.

The tips are designed to help office facilities develop more effective and comprehensive recycling initiatives. With a solid recycling program, companies can reduce their carbon footprint while also saving money.

“Now we want to focus on making recycling easy and consistent,” says Doug Berjer, product manager for CFR. “Many times, office recycling programs fall apart simply because staffers find them difficult to follow or easy to forget.”

Because of this, one of Berjer’s first suggestions is to place recycling bins at every desk and workstation so that they are readily available and visible.

“And [at desks] place the recycling bin just a bit closer to them than the trash can,” he adds. “You’d be surprised how much this can improve recycling behavior.”

He also suggests organizing the recycling program around the specific items to be recycled, especially in those areas that generate the most trash.  For instance, a warehouse area may have a variety of recyclables: boxes, packaging materials, bottles, cans, plastics, metals, old equipment, and more.

“Install separate recycling containers for each recyclable item,” Berjer says. “Make each container easily identifiable with clear signage indicating what goes where. This can also help enhance recycling significantly.”

Finally, Berjer suggests that it is important to encourage staffers to recycle with consistent communication.

“Make sure every worker is aware of the [recycling] program in place and its importance. Establish goals and track the progress. As it improves, let everyone know how much they have helped accomplish so far. Consistent feedback leads to consistent compliance.”

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 5/22/2012

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