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Schneider Electric: Henderson State University Uses Energy Cost Savings to Create State-of-the-Art Campus

Arkadelphia, Ark. — July 23, 2015 — Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy management and automation, has partnered with Henderson State University here in an energy savings performance contract to assist with the university’s utility, technology, and deferred-maintenance initiatives. The two-phased project will help the institution generate savings of more than $9 million in energy and operational efficiencies over 20 years.

Phase one of the project was completed in May 2013, and has helped the university save $237,551 annually. Phase two began in March and will add $281,163 in annual savings for Henderson state, totaling a savings of $518,714 per year. Through Henderson State’s partnership with Schneider Electric, the university is able to continue its mission of being good stewards of its resources and spreading energy efficiency throughout the campus community.

“In addition to providing efficient and reliable service to our students, faculty and staff, we’re on track to reduce our energy consumption by 30 percent," said Bobby Jones, Henderson State’s vice president for finance and administration. "Our project will continue the strides we have made toward greater energy efficiency across campus. Having a sophisticated, real-time energy monitoring system also ties into initiatives outlined in Priority Four of our university’s Strategic Plan."

"Our mission is to help university leaders achieve their energy savings goals," said John O’Herron, regional manager, Schneider Electric. "Henderson State is a great example of what universities can realize through our energy efficiency program. Furthermore, we look forward to reducing Henderson’s deferred-maintenance backlog by 25 percent and its critical infrastructure needs by 30 percent by 2020.”

The initiative incorporates a variety of upgrades to enhance classroom and building comfort while reducing energy consumption. Phase one improvements such as central steam plant boiler upgrades and replacement of fan coil units are complete, and phase two improvements are currently under construction. Phase two upgrades include:

• Lighting retrofits and occupancy controls

• Intelligent building automation system installations and expansions

• Building utility sub-metering

• Central chilled water plant implementation replacing multiple outdated chillers and cooling towers across the campus

• Electrical distribution system upgrades including moving overhead services to underground

• Building envelope infiltration reduction

• Water conservation upgrades

In addition to the changes on the Henderson State campus, this initiative will have a sizable environmental and economic impact on the community. Once completed, the project will provide energy efficiency savings equivalent to removing 2,767 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, powering 252 homes or planting 2,268 acres of new trees. The project is also good for the local economy with a total economic impact of $10 million, including 117 new jobs, $16.6 million in additional business revenue, and more than $649,705 in state and local tax revenue.

To learn more, visit www.enable.schneider-electric.com.




Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 8/17/2015

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