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Sarasota County School District Achieves 20 Megawatts of Energy Storage Using CALMAC's Ice-Based Cooling Technology

Fair Lawn, N.J. – Sept. 18, 2014 – CALMAC, a leader in energy storage systems, today announced the use of its ice-based energy storage tanks at Sarasota County School District’s Oak Park School, in South Florida.

For over 20 years, the school district has benefited from the use of CALMAC’s ice storage technology, and in 2013 alone achieved over $2 million in energy cost savings.

The installation of CALMAC’s IceBank energy storage tanks at Oak Park School went live at the beginning of the 2014 school year and now the district is able to store a total of 20 MW of energy among 36 schools.

Oak Park School is dedicated to meeting the special needs of students from pre-kindergarten to age 22. With the CALMAC system in place, the school is able to store energy in the form of ice at night, when utility prices are low and cooling can be generated and stored more efficiently. The ice is then used the next day, when temperatures and energy costs are at their highest, to cool students and staff.

Oak Park is just the latest school in the district to embrace CALMAC’s energy storage solution.

CALMAC's IceBank tanks are 99 percent reusable or recyclable and require minimal maintenance.

The durable nature of the IceBank energy storage product provides the district with a sustainable, long-lasting cooling system solution. For example, Sarasota’s Brookside Middle School was the first facility in the district to implement thermal energy storage in the early 1990s. In the early 2000s, however, the structure was torn down and replaced with a new building. Instead of purchasing new tanks, CALMAC refurbished the previous school’s tanks for insertion into the design of the new facility.

“Any time we remodel a school we are able to save our tanks and reuse them,” said Cecil Peel, Sarasota schools manager of technical services. “We really believe in CALMAC's IceBank product and energy storage solution, which is why over 80 percent of the district utilizes thermal energy storage.

"The school board has been extremely pleased with the performance of CALMAC's IceBank tanks and so it was logical that we would implement it into Oak Park School. Thermal storage has helped us save 25 percent of our electrical costs. This money can go towards other sustainability projects and increase the amount of funds available for our students’ education.”

Mark MacCracken, CEO of CALMAC, added, “It is important for schools to follow the lead of districts like Sarasota County and take the necessary steps towards a more sustainable future, and use budgets to pay teachers instead of utility bills.

"With the newest energy storage installation at Oak Park School, the Sarasota County School District is now able to store and shift enough energy to meet the cooling needs for 20 skyscrapers. Sarasota is setting a great example for other school districts in the country that should be preparing to reduce peak electricity demands and meet more sustainable goals.”


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 9/24/2014

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