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Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association: Group Launches Targeted Online Career Center
Dallas, Texas — March 31, 2016 — The Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM), the authority on retail, multi-site facilities management, announced that it is launching a targeted online career center that provides a direct connection for employers and job seekers in multi-site retail facilities management (FM).
Job opportunities available will cut across the FM industry and include positions in sourcing, real estate, sales, trades, management, energy and utilities management, sustainability, and other areas. PRSM expects the site to become the center for multi-site retail FM recruiting.
“The new PRSM career center focuses on retail facilities and industry supplier positions. As the economy has improved and the labor market has tightened, it has become more and more difficult for retailers, and those who supply goods and services to retailers, to find qualified, experienced FM employees to fill positions created by growth and store expansions,” said Patricia Dameron, PRSM’s executive director.
“The PRSM online career center provides the industry a highly focused site where retailers and suppliers can post jobs and where job candidates can confidentially share their resumes. PRSM saw a growing need for this service and we want to be the bridge between job openings and job seekers in retail facilities management,” Dameron said.
PRSM’s new career center is focused exclusively on multi-site retail and supplier facility management (FM) professionals. Employers will recognize immediate value and ROI. Unlike other generic job sites, which often deliver hundreds of unqualified applicants and unattractive job opportunities, the PRSM career center delivers high-quality candidates and attractive retail FM job openings.
For those seeking to advance their career, the site provides easy access to retail FM positions that are often not posted on other career sites. Resume writing tips are also available on the site, and job candidates can post their resumes for confidential consideration by employers seeking experienced facility managers.
Many generic, online, job sites charge $400 to $500 per position to provide nationwide coverage, but deliver dozens of unqualified candidates, many with little retail FM experience. The new PRSM online career center charges PRSM member companies $250 for a 30-day posting, which taps into a targeted, global audience of experienced multi-site retail FM pros. Package rates are also available at a lower cost based upon the number of positions advertised on the site.
A special “Featured Job” posting will highlight certain job opportunities and make them stand out even more to job seekers, as they will be flagged on results pages when job candidates use the career center site.
The new career center website also provides great brand building opportunities through the “Brand2Recruit” advertising program. The Brand2Recruit package includes banner advertising on the job seeker pages and a company profile page where employers can promote their company to potential employees.
PRSM empowers the retail industry facilities management with best practices, benchmarking, education, discussion forums, and trusted partnerships. For more information, visit prsm.com.
More From 4/4/2016 on FacilitiesNet