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Primex's New Critical Communications System

Primex announced the release of OneVue Notify, the company’s visual messaging and critical alert solution. An easy-to-use tool for education and health systems, as well as businesses, OneVue’s integrated platform allows administrators and executives to synchronize their critical communications and get messages out quickly in an emergency. Using an expandable ecosystem of InfoBoards, transmitters and cloud-based software, OneVue sends important alerts both visually and audibly.

As an integrated platform, OneVue synchronizes clocks and InfoBoards across a building or an entire campus. The 72MHz transmitter technology allows signals to penetrate further, up to one-half mile, with limited to no interference through the FCC licensing process. OneVue can also be integrated with existing communication tools, including PA, paging and other messaging systems. In addition, customers using previous versions of the transmitter can upgrade to a new OneVue transmitter to take full advantage of InfoBoards while continuing to use their existing clocks. OneVue software simplifies the management process and allows users to operate the system from any device with a web browser, and access real data, real-time through customized reporting capabilities.

The OneVue ecosystem works in a wide range of settings, from smaller K-12 school districts to large universities, hospital systems and businesses of all sizes. The platform can be used to send alerts in a variety of emergencies, including extreme weather events, fires and active shooter situations. It can also communicate day-to-day messages related to schedule reminders and special events.

For more information about OneVue Notify InfoBoards, visit https://www.primexinc.com/onevue-notify



Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 10/15/2019

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