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Potter Electric: Company Offers Free Corrosion-Solutions Training for Fire Sprinkler Systems
St. Louis, Mo. — June 12, 2015 — Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC, of St. Louis, is offering free informational webinars on corrosion.
With a proactive approach to combating corrosion through education, you will maintain operational awareness of your fire sprinkler system. If left unchecked, corrosion will progressively weaken the fire sprinkler system’s integrity, causing delayed responses and even system failure. Understanding how corrosion attacks a fire sprinkler system will enhance its protection and extend the service life of the system.
Corrosion comes in many forms, such as Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) and oxygen corrosion. Reducing an essential element for corrosion, such as oxygen or water, further protects the fire sprinkler system and significantly extends the service life.
Potter’s webinars on the testing, treatment, and monitoring of corrosion aspire to educate life safety professionals on its harmful effects and preventative steps to protect their fire sprinkler systems.
The webinars will be offered from 2 to 3 p.m. CDT on two days. For July 23, click here to register. For July 30, click here to register.
For more information about the company, visit www.pottersignal.com.
More From 6/15/2015 on FacilitiesNet