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PRSM: LED White Paper and TVO Calculator/Worksheet Shed New Light on Energy Savings


Dallas, Texas — Dec. 22, 2015 — The Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM), the authority on retail, multi-site facilities management, recently issued a white paper titled "LED Retrofits: The Total Value of Opportunity (TVO) Lies Far Beyond Simple Payback."

The paper and associated calculator/worksheet helps suppliers look beyond just the energy savings LEDs provide to the total value opportunity (TVO) of an LED retrofit. The new TVO worksheet can provide simple payback numbers and total cost of ownership (TCO) information and can calculate the TVO.

The current industry standard, TCO, includes the lifecycle costs and ROI benefits of lighting system components. TVO, however, also incorporates the impact of LED retrofits on interrelated systems, beyond lighting. This includes required light levels, reflectivity of painted surfaces, and lighting power densities (LPD) as well as the impact on HVAC systems, etc., to provide a more complete picture of the financial opportunity of any significant lighting system upgrade.

This paper includes current information on how LEDs can dramatically reduce costs, but it goes well beyond that to discuss how LED retrofits can impact store operations, merchandising communicating with customers, and outdoor lighting pollution. Determining the true savings provided by LEDs must go well beyond just the amount of energy saved.

Specifically, the paper addresses the following topics:

• Why LEDs are taking off: Lamp penetration now tops 65 percent in retail and will exceed 80 percent by 2017.

• The strong ROI generated by LED retrofits: in some cases less than nine months.

• LEDs will only get better and less costly.

• When is the right time for an LED retrofit?

• The total value of opportunity (TVO) of LEDs.

The new LED calculator/worksheet that accompanies the white paper is a plug-and-play tool that makes it simple and easy for retail facilities professionals to calculate the ROI of an LED retrofit or LED installation in new stores.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 3/4/2016

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