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PRSM Association: Group Celebrates 20-Year Anniversary


Dallas, Texas — Aug. 28, 2015 — Two decades ago, a few dedicated retail facilities managers met informally at a trade show and talked about how great it would be to regularly exchange ideas and information about retail facilities maintenance (FM). That informal meeting was the birthplace of the Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM).

Today, 20 years later, PRSM has more than 3,400 individual members. They include retail facility professionals from almost 1,000 retail, multi-site retail and supplier companies from across North America.

The organization was created to serve as a networking, educational hub for retail facilities pros and those who provide products and services to the industry. However, as it developed PRSM has defined facilities management as a career, delivering education, information, certification, events, and forums to North America's leading retailers and suppliers focused on facilities management and maintenance. In doing so it has enabled PRSM members to thrive in a highly competitive market while protecting each brand's most valuable asset - the stores.

PRSM began by organizing annual meetings for the industry professionals and has evolved to the premier organization it is today by investing time and resources into programs that empower members to make informed business decisions and to achieve success in their FM roles.

Bryan Walker, 2015-2016 president of PRSM's Board of Directors, said PRSM is building upon its long-term heritage. "Today, our Board members and staff stand on the shoulders of giants in the facilities maintenance industry. PRSM's founders had the forethought, dedication, and perseverance to create PRSM. They provided the early guidance that today delivers a wealth of valuable information and business opportunities to our industry every day," he said.

Patricia Dameron, PRSM's executive director, sees a bright future ahead.  "The industry has evolved dramatically during the last 20 years, and the pace of change is accelerating," she said. "Our members expect PRSM to be the industry leader on FM issues and to identify solutions to the challenges they will face today and tomorrow. We are dedicated to offering excellent information and events to keep our members updated and educated on the latest trends that will enable them to excel today and be prepared for the industry's changing environment that will impact them in the future."


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 9/8/2015

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