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Miele Little Giants Laundry System

Miele USA  announced the North American launch of Miele Little Giants washers and dryers offer short cycle wash programs (25-minute Express wash cycle), high temperature disinfection (up to 200°F) and high spin extraction (G-Force up to 704Gs) Miele Little Giants offer a solution forl laundry demands across a range of hospitality and wellness applications. Featuring larger capacity (18 lbs.), improved efficiency and automated specialty cleaning programs that seamlessly integrate with Miele’s award-winning technology, the new Miele Little Giants machines are ideal for towels, robes, bedding, table linens, uniforms, and service and cleaning textiles.For more information, visit  www.mieleusa.com/pro/littlegiants.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 8/5/2020

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