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Metl-Span: Company Releases White Paper on Benefits of Insulated Metal Panels


Lewisville, Texas — Dec. 16, 2015 — Metl-Span LLC has posted a white paper on its website detailing the many benefits and advantages of Insulated Metal Panel (IMP) Systems as building components, specifically walls and roofing.

The white paper cites IMPs as a pre-manufactured version of a “universal wall” or “perfect wall.” It also discusses the physics of insulated metal panels and thermal bridging, and compares IMPs with alternative building systems.

Installed as roofing, the white paper states, “With insulated metal roof systems, the vapor profile is identical to that of 'site built' compact roofs. Insulated metal panel roof systems also work for refrigerated and cold storage facilities in all climates.”

The white paper also illustrates the superiority of IMPs in regard to water control, air control, vapor control, and thermal control in a variety of applications.

The white paper is authored by Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.E., ASHRAE fellow, a principal of Building Science Corp. He is a building scientist who investigates building failures and is internationally recognized as an authority on moisture-related building problems and indoor air quality.

Metl-Span pioneered many of the developments in insulated metal panels and continues to make significant contributions to design innovations and technology that shape industry standards. For more information, visit www.metlspan.com.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 1/11/2016

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