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MACH Energy: Commercial Building Teams Should Prep for ENERGY STAR Changes


Oakland, Calif. — PRNewswire — Feb. 4, 2016 — MACH Energy, a provider of commercial real estate (CRE) energy management solutions, said coming updates of energy consumption data could increase energy efficiency baseline standards, leaving commercial buildings possibly vulnerable to ENERGY STAR score reductions and other impacts.

A reduced ENERGY STAR score could jeopardize their ability to reapply for their annual ENERGY STAR and LEED certification.

Due to this impending baseline modification using 2012 CBECS data, property teams will need to pinpoint new energy-saving initiatives within their existing building management systems. By using MACH's EnergyInsights, commercial properties will be able to mitigate risk and reduce possible negative impacts. In 2015 alone, MACH identified energy savings for their customers of over $60 million, or 15,000 ENERGY STAR points.

"Thanks to MACH's Insights solution, which we've used for over seven years to sustain and improve our ENERGY STAR scores across our portfolio, these imminent changes don't pose a great risk to us," said Rich Greninger, of Carr Properties. "We've realized you don't need cost-intensive or invasive installations to minimize a property's environmental footprint; you just need actionable data from a top-tier EMS platform. And that's precisely what MACH offers."  

Carr Properties is a longtime MACH customer that has seen one of its marquee properties achieve a 7.6 percent energy reduction and $24,000 in cost savings over a single year with MACH. 

The ENERGY STAR score of commercial buildings is predicated on baseline data from the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), which is conducted once every four years by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). However, an absence of CBECS reporting in both 2007 and 2011 means the scale is no longer an accurate measure of current building efficiency. Because overall energy use in the CRE sector has fallen 7 percent since the last report, and ENERGY STAR scores have increased by 6 points, the new 2012 CBECS data will likely institute a much higher baseline for buildings seeking ENERGY STAR or LEED certification.

"Much in the same way investors and others look to ratings agencies to assess credit and other risks, commercial property owners, tenants, and other CRE stakeholders rely on ENERGY STAR scores as one way to evaluate energy efficiency," said Jon Moeller, CEO, MACH Energy. "Additionally, many states and cities such as New York, San Francisco, or Washington, D.C., now require commercial buildings to be benchmarked through ENERGY STAR. 

"Because institutional investors and advisors are now often 'graded' on their sustainability compliance and benchmarks when raising capital or attracting/retaining tenants, we expect to see a dramatic adoption of EMS solutions to anticipate the challenges posed by CBECS 2012. Fortunately, we provide property owners and building teams the tools they need to ensure their portfolios are benchmarked and, more importantly, scores are increasing."

MACH Energy Inc. provides CRETech energy management solutions for commercial real estate property managers, operators, engineers, and owners. With some of the nation's most iconic buildings under management, MACH counts hundreds of commercial, REIT, hotel, and corporate building owners as customers.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 3/7/2016

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