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Lutron Electronics: Lighting Control Company Introduces 10-Year Warranty


Coopersburg, Pa. — April 13, 2016 — Lighting control pioneer Lutron Electronics took a bold step to underscore its confidence in its LED dimming technology by introducing a 10-year limited warranty on all of its LED fixtures. The warranty, effective at the start of this year, protects customers from failure in any of the major components — including the fixture itself, the LED emitter, and the LED driver — for 10 years or 50,000 hours.

Lutron's all-in-one fixture solutions are designed and tested to provide customers with ultimate system control. This track record is combined with the fact that Lutron manufactures the major components of a LED system including the control, fixture, and driver. This enables the company to guarantee the quality of its products for 10 years when the industry standard for fixture warranties is five years or less. 

The new 10-year warranty includes a LED emitter performance coverage for five years on its Ivalo Collection of high-end architectural LED fixtures. The industry-leading LED emitter coverage guarantees that a customer will not experience color ship or color inconsistency from fixture to fixture within five years of installation. In addition to this five-year LED performance coverage, the Ivalo Collection of LED fixtures includes a Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 95 or above.

Founded in 1961, Lutron Electronics is headquartered in Coopersburg, Pa., and offers more than 15,000 energy-saving products, sold in more than 100 countries. 


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 5/2/2016

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