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Light Efficient Design: Company Opens Third LED Distribution Center


Cary, Ill. — Aug. 31, 2015 — Light Efficient Design, the premier source of LED for HID retrofit lighting solutions, announced that it has opened a new distribution center in Philadelphia. The facility joins centers in California and Canada to make a total of three distribution centers that serve the company's North American customers.

“This is a major investment in inventory that shows our commitment to our distributor partners,” said Tim Taylor, president and CEO. “This will help ensure we have stock available in short transit times to help distributors take advantage of the most innovative, high-quality LED for HID retrofit solutions.”

The East Coast location will reduce transit times up and down the coast and provide a better stock position should there be a West coast port slowdown. 

The Philadelphia center already has over 70 models in stock. 

A division of TADD, LLC, Light Efficient Design was founded as a supplier of quality LED retrofit products with a focus on the electrical distribution channel. 

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 9/8/2015

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