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KMC Introduces Zone Equipment Control (ZEC)

Sept. 16, 2014 — KMC has introduced a significantly improved system for either retrofitting older VVT-type systems or installing new light-commercial zoning systems. 

KMC's Zone Equipment Control (ZEC) system consists of a special model of KMC's award-winning Flexstat unitary controller, along with up to 16 KMC SimplyVAV controllers for pressure-independent VAV control in their respective zones without the need for software.

The new BAC-120063CW-ZEC FlexStat controls common commercial packaged unitary equipment and automatically switches between heating and cooling control based on local zone demands. The ZEC controller automatically discovers and communicates with the associated SimplyVAV controllers via the integral BACnet MS/TP network to provide integration of the entire system.

Additionally, it can also provide a 0-10 VDC static pressure setpoint signal to an optional KMC CSP-4702 pressure controller used with the system for pressure bypass control.

A local VVT zone is converted to pressure-independent operation with the insertion of a KMC SSS-1000 series differential pressure flow sensor, and the local zone is operated by the SimplyVAV terminal unit controller.

With no software required, the ZEC system is quick and user-friendly to install and configure. Yet it also communicates with any Building Automation System using a BACnet network for monitoring and additional control options. 










Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 9/23/2014

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