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Johnson Controls' KOCH Multi-Pleat Green13 filter

Johnson Controls is offering a high-efficiency pleated air filter that provides an alternative to HEPA filtration upgrades. Its MERV 13 performance rating make the filter an excellent upgrade in existing equipment for applications such as hospitals, laboratories and pharmaceutical plants, commercial office buildings, industrial plants, or any HVAC system in which a higher degree of clean air is desired. The KOCH™ Multi-Pleat Green13 filter can help improve indoor air quality and potentially reduce exposure to COVID-19. The Multi-Pleat Green13, along with other lines of KOCH filter products, support Johnson Controls mission to help make buildings more safe, secure and sustainable. For more information about the KOCH Multi-Pleat Green13 filter from Johnson Controls, go to https://www.kochfilter.com/.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 10/23/2020

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