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Fomo Products: Company Attends White House Event to Help with Global Warming
Norton, Ohio — Oct. 20, 2015 — Fomo Products Inc. recently attended a White House-sponsored event to pledge its commitment to reducing global emissions. Participating were the Obama Administration, private-sector leaders, and members of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy (DOE).
During the Oct. 15th event, Fomo announced that 95 percent of its one-component aerosol can products will be converted from hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) to HFOs and hydrocarbons by summer 2016. In addition, it announced that 25 percent of all of its low-pressure-spray polyurethane foam formulations will be converted from HFCs to HFOs by summer 2016.
“We’re honored to be a part of this huge endeavor alongside a number of very prestigious private-sector companies,” said Mojee Cline, vice president, technology, Fomo Products. “As we strive to provide innovations that improve, we will continue to lead the industry as we work to reduce our carbon footprint.”
Fomo has been developing, manufacturing, and selling high-quality, low-pressure polyurethane foam products that provide energy conservation solutions to homes and buildings. This focus will continue with Fomo’s platform development of new products that contain significantly lower global warming potential (GWP) blowing agents.
Fomo Products, Inc., USA, was founded in 1975 and is a member of the FLM Group of Companies. The FLM Group is one of the world's largest manufacturers of low-pressure one-and two-component polyurethane foam sealants, adhesives, and spray foam in pressurized, disposable, and refillable packaging.
For more information, visit http://www.fomo.com/.
More From 11/5/2015 on FacilitiesNet