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Fire Smoke Damper Installation Featured in New Greenheck Video

Greenheck’s latest video details the installation process for Greenheck fire and combination fire smoke dampers. The video shows proper damper installation step-by-step and highlights Greenheck damper features that help minimize installation costs while ensuring UL555 and other building code requirements are met. The installation elements covered in the video apply to all Greenheck fire dampers and combination fire smoke dampers, except for those that are specifically designed to be mounted outside the plane of the fire-rated barrier.

Greenheck, the worldwide leader in manufacturing and distributing air movement, conditioning and control equipment, offers the most UL certified dampers and the largest selection of AMCA licensed dampers in the industry.

To view the video, visit www.greenheck.com and click on the Library link found on the home page navigation bar. Then click on videos.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 11/23/2016

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