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Fan Coil Units Earn Certification

Ice Air, the developer and manufacturer of a wide variety of HVAC units and a member of the AHRI (Air-Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute) Certification Program, has announced that their entire line of Fan Coil Units (FCU) series products have now earned AHRI certification. The announcement was made by Ice Air Co-CEOs Mo Siegel and Ric Nadel. As an AHRI member, Ice Air’s FCU series products were tested and certified to the highest industry performance standards and will carry the AHRI certified label.

“The AHRI Certification Program is set up to protect the integrity of the HVAC industry by encouraging high performance standards and recognizing energy efficient products,” says Mo Siegel, Ice Air’s President and Co-CEO. “Ice Air fan coils have met the needs of HVAC system designers for many years. Now, with this certification, it assures our customers that our equipment meets one of the industry’s benchmark program requirements.”

One of those requirements that is mandatory for program participants is to comply with the provisions of the latest edition of ANSI/AHRI 440, Performance Rating of Room Fan-Coils (Standard). “This gives us the common language we need with our customers and engineers when we talk about our FCUs,” notes Ric Nadel, Ice Air’s Co-CEO and Chairman. “That means test requirements, rating requirements, minimum data requirements for published ratings is all there, for everyone to see and comprehend. It makes doing business that much better for the entire team.”

Ice Air’s complete line of AHRI-certified Fan Coil units includes the Fan Coil Horizontal Concealed (FCHC) series, the Fan Coil Hi Rise (FCHR) series, the Fan Coil Horizontal Ultra Thin (FCHU) series, the Fan Coil Vertical Concealed (FCVC) series, and the Fan Coil Vertical Exposed (FCVE) series.

Ice Air FCUs enable designers and installers to save space and preserve the comfort and design appearance of the room while maintaining high performance. They offer heating, cooling or both, and are designed for whisper quiet, energy efficient performance.

The AHRI Product Performance Certification Program is a voluntary program, administered and governed by AHRI, which ensures that various types of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, and water heating products perform according to manufacturers’ published claims.

Products that are certified through the AHRI Product Performance Certification Program are continuously tested, at the direction of AHRI, by an independent third-party laboratory, contracted by AHRI, to determine the product’s ability to conform to one or more product rating standards or specifications.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 12/6/2018

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