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Danfoss Seeks Entries for Third Annual EnVisioneer of the Year Competition

BALTIMORE — Danfoss, a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency electronic and mechanical components and controls for air-conditioning, heating, refrigeration and motion systems, announces the third annual EnVisioneer of the Year award competition and is now accepting entries for consideration.

Launched in 2010, the competition recognizes U.S. end users, building owners and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that have introduced a new product, opened a new facility or invested in a building or system upgrade in the past 18 months using Danfoss products or solutions to realize significant energy and/or environmental savings.

Interested participants may enter the competition by submitting an application no later than January 12, 2012, to Lisa Tryson, director, corporate communications and public relations, at Danfoss. A distinguished panel of judges representing different disciplines in the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industry will review all applications and select the winner.

As part of their recognition, a donation will be made to Rebuilding Together in honor of the selected 2012 EnVisioneer of the Year. Rebuilding Together is the nation’s leading nonprofit working to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize communities. Their network of more than 200 affiliates provides extensive renovations and modifications to the homes of low-income Americans at no cost to the homeowners, making the homes safer, more accessible and more energy efficient.

“The opportunity to publicly recognize the award winner’s achievement and, at the same time, support the efforts of other organizations that are also working to advance energy efficiency enhances the value of the EnVisioneer of the Year award,” Tryson commented. The award will be presented in Chicago as part of AHR EXPO 2012.

Last year’s winner, MultiStack LLC, the world’s leading manufacturer of high-efficiency modular chillers for commercial, industrial and government applications, installed two MultiStack chillers at Valley High School, Las Vegas, Nev. The installation included eight Danfoss Turbocor compressors, four Danfoss VLT® variable frequency drives and the MultiStack FlexSys controller, which incorporates Danfoss Turbocor software.

By switching to the magnetic levitation-powered chillers and a central plant control system, the 45-year-old school reduced its energy consumption by 70 percent, from 1.5 kW/ton to .443 kW/ton.

“This application is particularly interesting, because it demonstrates the impressive savings that can be achieved in existing buildings by investing in and applying energy-efficient technology available on the market today,” said John Galyen, president, Danfoss North America.  “It’s proof that upgrades that can be made right now will have a big impact on the future of the building and the environment.”

For more information about the EnVisioneer of the Year competition and to submit an entry, please visit http://envisioneering.danfoss.com/About/EnVisioneering+Award.htm, or contact Lisa Tryson, director, corporate communications and public relations, at LisaTryson@danfoss.com or 410-513-1142.

About Danfoss:

Danfoss is one of the world's leading manufacturers of high efficiency electronic and mechanical components and controls for air-conditioning, heating, refrigeration and motion systems. We operate in more than 100 countries, employ 25,740 people, and hold more than 1,800 patents on a wide range of products. Our innovative, reliable products are backed by local sales and support to help our customers solve their greatest challenges. With its visionary and committed employees, Danfoss meets the needs of its customers through its EnVisioneeringSM partnerships. EnVisioneering focuses on developing new technologies for sustainable business growth through engineering innovation, energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. For more information about Danfoss, visit: www.danfoss.us. For more information about EnVisioneering, visit: www.envisioneering.danfoss.com.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 11/23/2011

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