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'Construction Climate Talks': Episode 3 Discusses Common Sense of Sustainable Building


April 7, 2016 — The web TV series Construction Climate Talks so far has focused on sustainable development and the concept of green buildings. In the third episode, James Drinkwater, regional director Europe, World Green Building Council, explains how sustainability is turning into common sense in the construction industry. See the episode here.

The first episode featured Professor Johan Rockström (https://youtu.be/cc6WCqUwhDw), one of the most notable advocates of sustainable development, and the second presented Josefina Lindblom (https://youtu.be/sy9Di33ThP0), policy advisor at the European Commission, responsible for their work on resource efficiency in the building sector.

In the third episode of Construction Climate Talks, James Drinkwater, European regional director, World Green Building Council, discusses the basics of building change in the industry, and why the business case is now at the forefront of sustainable building.

Drinkwater coordinates the network of 25 Green Building Councils across Europe that is currently leading the world’s largest collaborative project on building renovation, with more than 1,000 organizations involved across 13 countries. He is a passionate advocate of the importance of collaboration across the whole value chain.

“We are starting to see that the business case is really driving sustainability," he said. "It’s not simply because companies think it’s a nice thing to do; it’s because there are business benefits driving green building now.”

The initiator of the web TV series is the Construction Climate Challenge Initiative, hosted by Volvo CE. 

“We want to promote sustainability throughout the entire construction industry,“ says Niklas Nillroth, vice president, environment and sustainability, Volvo Construction Equipment. “We are hopeful that our film series will work as a contributing factor in the matter of making people aware and to enhance cross-sector collaboration throughout the construction industry value chain."

The film has been released on www.constructionclimatechallenge.com, YouTube, CCC Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 4/13/2016

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