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CertainTeed: Company Publishes Industry-First Life Cycle Assessment for Vinyl Fence, Vinyl Railing, and Composite Railing Systems


Valley Forge, Pa. — May 19, 2015 — CertainTeed is letting the facts speak for themselves, becoming the first vinyl fence and railing manufacturer to provide complete product environmental transparency by publishing a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The LCA covers its Bufftech vinyl fence, as well as Kingston vinyl railing and Panorama composite railing products under the EverNew brand. 

Dedicated to providing contractors the best products for green building projects, CertainTeed chose to be the first fence and railing manufacturer to publish an LCA through the Building for Economic and Environmental Sustainability (BEES) program. An online program designed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), BEES offers transparent and credible product environmental and economic performance information. 

Conducted by Sustainable Solutions Corp. of Royersford, Pa., the LCA includes a cradle-to-grave, in-depth analysis of raw material acquisition, manufacturing, transportation and distribution, installation, maintenance, and end-of-life recycling and final disposal.

To provide full transparency and accessibility, the LCA was submitted to the BEES database for independent review and publication. The BEES system aligns with ISO 14044, the internationally recognized standard for LCA under the International Organization for Standardization.

“Seeking this extensive analysis not only supports our customers in making sustainable product choices, it also demonstrates our company-wide devotion to making environmental advancements,” said Doug Mucher, marketing manager for CertainTeed Outdoor Living and Trim. “We are constantly pursuing new ways to reduce our environmental impact and this publication confirms that our vinyl fence, vinyl railing, and composite railing systems are aligned with that commitment.” 

In addition to its exemplary sustainability performance, choosing these products can also contribute to earning points for green building certification in both USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) and Home Innovation Research Labs building programs. By selecting these products with a published and third-party verified LCA, there is potential to contribute towards projects pursuing LEED Pilot Credit 52, Material Multi-Attribute Assessment, and NGBS Practice 610.1.2.1, Product LCA. 

For more information, visit www.certainteed.com.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 6/26/2015

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