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Big Ass Solutions: Fans Solve Computer Lab Temperature Complaints


Jan. 4, 2016 — Computer labs have the same problems as server rooms and other data centers — namely, a lot of electronic equipment constantly giving off heat.

Lowcountry Tech Academy in Charleston, S.C., had a problem with hot, stuffy rooms, especially on the second floor. In summer, the air conditioners had difficulty keeping up with demand. Even in winter, the combination of the computers and the heating system made the rooms uncomfortably warm, especially on the side of the building where the sun shines in through large windows.

Because the thermostats were controlled at the district level, teachers were unable to make individual adjustments in the classrooms, where students learn cyber security, graphic design, and networking. School officials realized they needed to keep students and teachers comfortable and the computers running smoothly. Installing energy-efficient Haiku fans by Big Ass Solutions in each second-floor lab solved both problems with airflow, said Building Administrator Sarah Earle.

The results were immediate. The fans created consistent airflow and a uniform temperature, and Earle estimates the rooms feel 5 to 7 degrees F cooler, completely eliminating heat complaints. Because the fans are silent, there are no distracting noises to interfere with learning.

Airflow cools people and objects the same way — by speeding up the dispersal of heat. Every object develops a “boundary layer” of slow-moving air around it. This stagnant air acts as an insulator, slowing the rate of heat loss. Fans cool both people and objects by reducing the thickness of the boundary layer, mixing ambient air, and allowing for more rapid transfer of heat.

Additionally, the fans mix the air in the space, providing a uniform temperature closer to the actual thermostat setting. Prior to the Big Ass Fans, it may have been several degrees warmer near a cluster of computers than next to the window, for example. By creating a uniform air temperature, the HVAC system can more accurately deliver heat or air conditioning to keep occupants comfortable and computers running.

Earle said the fans have made a big improvement in the learning environment. And because of the school’s focus, teachers were able to work into the curriculum the fans’ effect on air movement and temperature.

“The Haiku fans are quiet and they’re attractive,” Earle said. “And we’re a technology school, so it’s nice to see such a meticulously engineered fan in the classroom.”

For more information, visit bigasssolutions.com.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 2/1/2016

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