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Avendra: Company Signs National Agreement with Jacobsen

Charlotte, N.C. — April 22, 2016 — Jacobsen, a Textron Inc. company, recently signed a new national account agreement with Avendra

The agreement will allow all U.S.-based Marriott properties to purchase Jacobsen equipment at exclusive member pricing. Marriott currently has 18 properties with 24 golf course facilities in the United States. 

Avendra is North America’s leading procurement services provider serving the hospitality and lodging industries. Its customers gain access to contracts leveraging over $4 billion of annual purchases, expert advisory services, and in-depth purchasing data and analysis. The company is headquartered in Rockville, Md., and has regional offices throughout North America.

Avendra selected Jacobsen after the company spent several months testing and reviewing Jacobsen’s full line of turf-maintenance equipment.  

Jacosen has over 90 years of experience in turf maintenance. Its equipment is used on some of the finest formal turf areas across the United States and the world, through an extensive distribution network and the international Ransomes brand. 



Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 5/2/2016

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