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App Targets Workplace Health and Productivity

LifeDesk, makers of LifeDesk SmartLegs that convert virtually any work surface into a sit-stand desk, has announced its new LifeDesk SmartLeg App. Compatible with LifeDesk SmartLegs, the LifeDesk SmartLeg App is designed to encourage workers to properly use their sit-stand desks for health and productivity benefits. Designed by LifeDesk, the app recommends personalized settings based on the user’s height and sends reminders on proper sit-stand transitions. It is now available for iOS devices at the Apple Store. The Android version is coming to Google Play soon.

Studies have shown that the majority of sit-stand desk users don’t understand how to use their height-adjustable desks, including how often they should transition from sitting to standing throughout the day. LifeDesk developed the LifeDesk SmartLeg App to provide an easy way for users to make the proper sit-stand transitions, resulting in measurable results that deliver a positive return on investment on their sit-stand desks.

“When used properly, sit-stand desks improve workers’ health, increase productivity and are proven to elevate workplace engagement, which can have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line,” said Brian Carmody, President of LifeDesk.

LifeDesk SmartLeg App features include:

  • Integrates with LifeDesk SmartLegs’ smart technology control box to manage the height adjustability of the sit-stand desk;
  • Recommends proper desk positioning for sitting and standing as well as typing and reading based on each user’s height;
  • Provides memory settings that allow users to easily store their height preferences, so even if they travel between regional offices, co-working spaces or a home office, the settings stay with them wherever they go;
  • Reminds users when it’s time to sit or stand, making it easy for them to reap the benefits; Provides daily, weekly and monthly metrics; and
  • Advises users of calories burned; users can burn an additional 28,000 calories per year by applying the right mix of sitting and standing, which can result in a loss of 9–10 pounds. 

Benefits of sit-stand transitions using a height-adjustable desk include:

  • Improve worker health and wellness
  • Reduce healthcare costs
  • Increase productivity
  • Boost employee morale
  • Increase workers’ energy levels
  • Improve employee engagement
  • Enhance job satisfaction
  • Contribute to a positive office culture

Getting Started With LifeDesk SmartLegs and the SmartLeg App

  • After installing LifeDesk SmartLegs underneath an existing work surface, download the free app from the Apple Store or Google Play.
  • Easily connect the app to the LifeDesk SmartLegs with patent-pending smart technology that provides automatic pairing.
  • Set recommended sitting and standing heights.
  • Input recommended transitions.
  • Track daily weekly and monthly performance.
  • Measure performance in relation to goal setting.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 6/6/2018

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